the legacy

GRAFFZOO is the new Pluss srl project, which collects the legacy of GRAFFITISHOP, a pioneering e-commerce in graffiti products' sale, online since 2002, and recently rebranded as SPECTRUM.
GRAFFZOO is that group of friends who have breathed street culture since 1996, and have gone through all the writing eras, from the interrails period made of fake tickets, to the golden years of indie fanzines sold in graffiti festivals and jam around Italy, to web 1.0 forums and online chats, until they decided to found GROG in 2005 and SPECTRUM STORE in Milan in 2009.

GRAFFZOO is an entity made of identity. It preserves the pure spirit of writing in all its forms, from the most tough and instinctive, to the most evolved and sophisticated, without prejudice but with a watchful eye to the historical reconstruction of what made graffiti writing a culture, through the study and storytelling of the Architects, through their essential point of view, their experiences, their life.
GRAFFZOO is the same crew that packed up the spray cans delivered to the bar next door, hidden from your parents because it was not to be known, that sponsored your city's jam for an entire generation, the crew that cut their teeth publishing the most stylish artists on GARAGE MAGAZINE and SUBWAYNET, with whom you got pissed off because he didn't publish your pics when you were just a toy, with whom you had fun when you went to the store to pick up some cans for the nighttime end to end.
GRAFFZOO welcomes to YOUR world.
GRAFFZOO puts to good use the experience of over twenty years in Online Commerce, Distribution and Brick & Mortar.

In addition to being the GROG sales engine, our historic brand, GRAFFZOO distributes MTN Montana Colors (Only for Italy), Nero D'Inferno, NBQ, Krink, Molotow and many others, and markets the brands' catalogue available on its new B2B distribution platform in more than 50 countries around the world, having in its database about 400 customers spread across the 4 corners of the globe.
The portfolio offered to our customers is made up of more than 2.500 catalogue items, always available for immediate delivery: whether it be spray cans such as the famous Montana 94 and MTN Hardcore, the wonderful Montana Water Based or the evergreen Molotow Burner and the newcomer NBQ Fast, of water-based markers such as the Molotow One4All or solid paint markers such as the Sakura Solid Markers or Hand Mixed and squeezable ink or paint markers such as Grog Squeezer and Krink, of nozzles such as the wide stroke Astro Fat or the Universal Banana Skinny for outlines and very fine strokes, of indelible and hard to buff inks such as Grog Buff Proof Ink or Nero D'Inferno and super opaque and brilliant alcohol-based paints such as Grog Full Metal Paint. And then books, fanzines and magazines, masks, protections and many accessories of all kinds.
GRAFFZOO serves, with the same promptness and service care, from the independent graffiti shop, to the fine-art chain, passing through paint shops, streetwear stores, hardware stores, tattoo shops, fine art stores, artists and associations that organise urban art events, street art festivals and graffiti jams.